Category Archives: text post

Fall Leaves and the Bazaar

Hello! Look at these fast updates. I have more energy at night then I do during the day and I have no idea why. So I guess lucky you for getting these photos and stories now!

So today was a SUPER busy day! We left at 9 to go help the Shirayuri kindergarten bazaar that was going on today! I helped sell yakisoba and read English Picture books to the kids. I was actually terrified that I would have to sit there and yell “COME GET YOUR YAKISOBA YUM YUM” but luckily, all the business came to us without having to do that. I also thought everyone would kind ignore me or not listen but nope! People came up to me to order (even though they were supposed to go to Hiroko) so all my fears quickly disappeared once we got started. I EVEN GOT TO MAKE ODANGO. Kinda. I got to beat the rice till it turned to dough. Which was awesome. And hard. But awesome. The guys all the told me I did really good. Which was nice to hear. That mallet-whatever-you-call-it was so heavy! BUT I DID IT! Mwhahahaha.


The before and the after. This is anko flavour!

So many people came out today, it was busy! So we finally left at around 1:30ish and went back to the house. We talked for a while and then I headed home to quickly shower. And then I had a nap because lord I was tired. I wish my coffee would kick in like it should.

So after that I taught for a couple of lessons and then Kimiyo and I booked it back to the fall leaves display at the bridge (the place from Sunday) but we made it in time to see the display and it was so pretty! Like man, I’m excited to go to Hakone to see them all now. And she even took pictures of me there. I feel like I should’ve asked her if she wanted some too. . . I’m not used to people taking pictures of me! (And actually out here it’s really nice because back home it never happens. PROOF. I’VE BEEN HERE. Hehe)

So now I’m reviewing my Japanese learning websites before bed. I’ve been trying hard to do them everyday. I just want to talk with everyone. ;o;

So yeah, busy day today!

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